July’s 100 Albums for $5

Beat the summer heat with some new albums, courtesy of Amazon.com.

Each month, the site offers 100 albums for the low price of $5. This month, Broken Bells’ debut is dirt cheap, along with Iron & Wine’s “The Shepherd’s Dog,” Brandi Carlile’s “Give Up the Ghost,” M. Ward’s “Hold Time” and 96 others.

Check out the list for yourself here and watch a live version of M. Ward’s “Never Had Nobody Like You” below.

Get ’em before Aug. 1!

May’s 100 Albums for $5

Ahh, the joys of May.

With freedom from school and Cinco de Mayo right around the corner, what more could I want?

Some cheap tunes to kick-start my summer would be nice, and Amazon.com has answered my pleas with their list of 100 Albums for $5.

There are some pretty good albums on this list, so get ’em while they’re cheap!

My highlights? “Gorilla Manor” by the Local Natives and “Bomb in a Birdcage” by A Fine Frenzy.

I highly recommend snagging She & Him’s recently released “Volume 2” as well as “Feels Like Home” by Norah Jones.

There’s enough of a variety that there’s bound to be something for everybody.

Check out the list for yourself here and listen to the Local Natives’ track “Wide Eyes” below.

April’s 100 Albums for $5

Each month, Amazon features 100 albums for $5, and there’s enough of a variety that something will be sure to strike your fancy.

My personal highlights from April’s list of cheap MP3s?

Fang Island’s self-titled debut, “Astro Coast” by Surfer Blood and “Love to Live” by the Living Sisters.

Like I said, there’s something for everyone, so save your lunch money, kids, and pick up some cheap music courtesy of amazon.com.

Check out the complete list of albumsĀ here!