The Ultimate Marvel Marathon

In order to celebrate the release of “The Avengers” on May 4, AMC Theatres is hosting the biggest Marvel movie event ever.

Starting at 11:30 a.m., the marathon will include six Marvel films in all, leading up to the premiere of “The Avengers” at midnight.

(Image courtesy of AMC Theaters)

If watching superhero movies for 12+ hours until your eyes fall out of your face while simultaneously slipping into a Diet Coke and Sno Cap induced sugar coma sounds like a rockin’ time, then keep reading.

The Ultimate Marvel Marathon will include Iron ManThe Incredible HulkIron Man 2Thor in 3D, Captain America in 3D, and will conclude with The Avengers in 3D.

You can experience the popcorn-flick extravaganza for yourself for the low price of $40 a pop. While showings in major cities have already been announced, screenings at additional theatres will be announced and tickets will go on sale on March 16.

(Image courtesy of IFC)

If you’re dying to get your hands on a ticket, check out AMC Theatre’s official website.

New trailer for “The Avengers”

When the first trailer for “The Avengers” was released, I was less than impressed. Now that about 95 additional versions have made their way to the public’s prying eyes (okay, this is probably only the third I’ve seen, but still), I’ve found one that tells a little bit more of the story.

Unlike the original, this trailer draws me in from the start. The explosives/military action was just about the only thing I appreciated from the first, and that scene is extended here.

Props for that, but then I start to fall asleep a little bit. The trailer then goes on to feature a little bit about each superhero, which I can appreciate more than the messy montage we were given previously. However, there’s far too much ScarJo, who should not be involved in this project in the first place.

After the two minutes and thirty seconds are over, I am still left somewhat unsatisfied. Is it just me? Are any of you excited for this movie?

Check out the latest trailer for “The Avengers” here:

“The Avengers” banners more promising than the trailer?

Back when the full-length trailer for “The Avengers” was released and everyone was having trouble containing themselves, I found myself… underwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong, parts of it look awesome, but other parts look ho-hum.

However, I got a sense of newfound hope when I caught a glimpse at the banners for the film, which are pretty sweet. Check them out here:

I’m choosing to ignore the fact that Mark Ruffalo looks less like “The Hulk” and more like he has gangrene.

What do you think? Are you eagerly anticipating “The Avengers” or just waiting for the hype to pass?