Eat An Apple Every Day, See Your Dentist Twice a Year

It’s no secret that I love Eli Roth.

It’s also no secret that Roth’s niche is gory, low-budget horror films.

However, a lesser known fact is that the director-producer-actor caught the flesh eating virus in Iceland when he was 19. It’s where Roth got the inspiration for “Cabin Fever,” the film that basically launched his career early on.

Rolling Stone’s resident film critic Peter Travers sat down with Roth to discuss his most recent projects, including a small role in this summer’s “Piranha 3D” and producer of “The Last Exorcism.”

Watch the interview in all its glory here:

Joaquin and I Are Both Still Here

After a month-long hiatus, I thought it would be more than appropriate for my first post back to be about the “I’m Still Here” trailer.

Oh, the irony.

“I’m Still Here” is directed by Casey Affleck and follows actor Joaquin Phoenix’s journey from actor to… rapper.

It’s still questionable if his quest is/was a serious one, and after watching the trailer, I’m pretty sure I’m even more confused than I was before.

Watch for it in theaters starting Sept. 10.