“Titanic 3D” brings Leo & Kate (back) to life

And tears to my eyes.

Because really, James Cameron, was a re-release of “Titanic” necessary, let alone in 3D form? I guess you didn’t make enough money off of “Avatar.” Oh, wait…

Much to my dismay, “Titanic 3D” is sailing (pun intended) toward a theater near you soon:

As you know from reading this blog, I’m a sucker for a good movie poster, and I must say, I do like the “Titanic 3D” one. However, they could have just re-released the poster and called it a day, in my opinion.

Watch Kate and Leo fall in love and the ship sink all over again when “Titanic 3D” hits theaters (and IMAX) on April 6, 2012.

Profiles on movie posters: the new black

What do J. Edgar Hoover and Sherlock Holmes have in common? Well, both are the subject of feature films being released in the next few months, and both movies use similar poster tactics:

“J. Edgar,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Clint Eastwood, hits theaters on Nov. 9. The “Sherlock Holmes” sequel drops on Dec. 16

Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”

I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I personally have been itching for a new Quentin Tarantino movie. “Inglorious Basterds” came out two years ago, and I need my fix.

Don't you worry, I got this!

The good news is that he’s working on it. The bad news is that it won’t start shooting until January, meaning it won’t come out for another 99 years after that. Sigh.

This “it” of which I speak is “Django Unchained,” a film about a freed slave who tracks down his wife (who is being held at a plantation) with the help of a bounty hunter.

Why am I babbling on about this? Because awesome people keep signing on to the project!

So far, Jamie Foxx is playing Django, Leo DiCaprio will star as the plantation owner, and the German bounty hunter will be played by Christoph Waltz. Yesterday, it was announced that Samuel L. Jackson will play a house slave.

With a cast and crew like this, all Tarantino needs to do now is somehow toss the Bear Jew into the equation and I’ll be one happy lady.

"We're gonna be doing one thing, and one thing only. Killing Nazis."