Malcolm McDowell receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Yesterday, Malcolm McDowell received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. While this event should have occurred about 20+ years ago, better late than never, right?

(Image courtesy of

At the age of 68, McDowell has been in a number of fantastic films, including A Clockwork Orange and Halloween.

Fellow British actor Gary Oldman was present to honor McDowell. The event resulted in what is perhaps the most precious picture I have ever seen.

(Image courtesy of

Congrats, Malcolm!

Captain Jack and John Lennon: Pumpkins with pop culture flair

I have a confession to make.

This is the first year I have not carved a pumpkin since I was old enough to wield a knife.

However, I am very much in the Halloween spirit otherwise, and I did find some pretty cool photos online of pop culture pumpkins.

Check them out below!

Dwight from "The Office"

The "Star Wars" Death Star

Captain Jack Sparrow

Barack Obama

John Lennon

I’m impressed…what do you think??

Fright Fest = Delight Fest

October 31st is easily my favorite day of the entire year, and I’m super excited that it’s on a Saturday this year.

Also thrilling is the fact that I found a calendar of Halloween themed TV programming so I can plan my nightly fright fests accordingly.

I really wish I had a better cable package in my room, because I’m going to miss out on some really good movies in the AMC Fearfest lineup.  This will just force me to go rent them, because please, what is Halloween without Psycho or The Exorcist??

I do, however, have multiple opportunities to watch Disney’s “Halloweentown.”  It was my favorite back in the day, and I can’t wait to relive my (early) youth.  Also, any sort of Charlie Brown holiday special is an essential.

There’s also plenty of Tim Burton and Stephen King to go around.  I’m only disappointed that there’s no Cabin Fever on this list, but I’m sure it’ll be televised somewhere.

For those of you who have never seen/heard of Cabin Fever, it’s about a group of college friends who head to a cabin in the woods for some fun (?) and end up contracting a flesh eating disease.  It’s low budget, it’s gross and the leg-shaving scene scarred me for life, but I love it anyways.

While trying to find the trailer so I could share it with you, I came across this, which I think is even better.

And that is why I love Eli Roth.

Let me know what slasher movies you’re looking forward to watching this month!