“Titanic 3D” brings Leo & Kate (back) to life

And tears to my eyes.

Because really, James Cameron, was a re-release of “Titanic” necessary, let alone in 3D form? I guess you didn’t make enough money off of “Avatar.” Oh, wait…

Much to my dismay, “Titanic 3D” is sailing (pun intended) toward a theater near you soon:

As you know from reading this blog, I’m a sucker for a good movie poster, and I must say, I do like the “Titanic 3D” one. However, they could have just re-released the poster and called it a day, in my opinion.

Watch Kate and Leo fall in love and the ship sink all over again when “Titanic 3D” hits theaters (and IMAX) on April 6, 2012.

2 thoughts on ““Titanic 3D” brings Leo & Kate (back) to life

  1. What, no Titanic 2? Featuring Jack’s long lost twin brother and a ship that can’t go under 50 knots or it will explo…wait. I think something got jumbled in my mind there 😉

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